Stay Tuned
Coming Soon
Our Chakra Card box-Set has been designed so that you can easily gain insight into the energy centers of the human body.
If you are a practitioner, or if you simply wish to use these cards for yourself, friends and family you will be amazed at the accuracy and correlation to what is taking place in our energetic field on a day-to-day basis.
Reveal the Hidden Chakra Card Box-Set
Our Chakra Card Set has been designed with love, universal inspiration & charged with reiki energy throughout the entire process, to enhance the bond between yourself and the cards.
The cards work on an intuitive basis in that they attune energetically to both the reader and the person receiving the reading, just as a pendulum, or a crystal attunes when you place your intention on your subject.
✓ precise readings
✓ easy to use
✓ intuitive insight

Years of Expertise in Energy Healing
Our chakra cards will be available to purchase here.
We will soon be shipping worldwide!